Jun 19, 2018

Suzy Cube, Available NOW!

#SuzyCube #gamedev #indiedev #madewithunity @NoodlecakeGames 
The wait is finally over! Suzy Cube is now available! I want to take this opportunity to extend my most sincere thanks to everyone who helped make this possible.

I want to begin by thanking my wife, whose sense of adventure led to our life changing move to Venezuela and this opportunity to work on Suzy Cube full time. I could not have done this without her support, both emotional and financial.

Next, I would like to thank everyone who participated in the play-tests and submitted gameplay videos even though Everyplay had a tendency to bug out and not complete uploads. Your feedback has been absolutely invaluable and Suzy Cube wouldn't be half as good today without the lessons I gleaned from your play-testing.

FunPlus and the IndiePlus competition. They flew me out to GDC in 2017 when I had no plans or money to go. I got this amazing poster out of it and they helped generate a lot of early buzz for the game. Even though I didn't end up signing with them, they've remained supportive and excited for Suzy's release. Oh! And that's the year Suzy won second place at the Big Indie Pitch! Double thanks!

Objects in the background may be bigger than they appear

Noodlecake Studios, and Lealand Adam in particular, deserve a huge shout out, of course! Thanks to them, Suzy is much a more presentable and complete product than I ever could have produced on my own. And thanks to their porting acumen, many more players will get to enjoy the game, whether on iOS, Android, Steam or AppleTV! 

Almost done. Next shout out goes to Eli, Jared and the whole Touch Arcade crew. They've been genuine fans of the game since first seeing it and their continued coverage year after year (even when it got kind of absurd) has made a huge difference.

And, finally, I want to thank all of you. I know, I know, it sounds cliché and cheesy, but the truth is the truth! Nothing, and I mean, nothing has kept me more motivated than interacting with fans on various forums, on Twitter, and here on the blog. Thank you! Thank you for your enthusiasm, thank you for your inquisitiveness, thank you for sharing in this journey with me. To my game-dev pals, who I got to miraculously see every year at GDC, to the most random of randos who happened to stumble upon a friend's retweet about the game, I would not have had the motivation to put in so much work into this game without the support of Suzy's fans (can I call you that?). And nothing has motivated me more than to know people have, genuinely, been psyched and excited for this launch.

So, to everyone! Thank you!

Now, what are you waiting for!? Hit the link below to get the game, and share it with friends, share it with enemies, share it with everybody!


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