
Oct 28, 2013

Charity Event Declared Awesome! Thank you Everybody!

Well, I think a big thanks is in order to everyone who attended my charity event last Friday and to the awesome sponsors. A big thanks to Ka and Ashley of the Meeple's Republic for lending me the games for the event and getting folks into the groove. And I wouldn't have had such an awesome pile of prizes to give away without the generosity of The Comic Book Shoppe, Games for All and Îlot 307! And, finally, thank you to the local designers, Al, Yves and Daryl for teaching their games and helping out with the tournament! We raised a nice wad of cash for the kids at! Check out some pics after the jump. 

Oct 22, 2013

Charity Board Game Event Reminder!

A reminder that THIS FRIDAY, I am hosting a fund raising event. It's $10, all for a good cause. You can come learn to play some new games, bring your favourite game to share with others, get some gift ideas for the holidays and participate in the tournament featuring three locally designed games! Great games and game related prizes to be won in the tournament and raffle! I sure hope you can all make it!

Oct 19, 2013

Video Game Event Recap

Above, we have Nick and Dave the top bracket and bottom bracket winners of the tournament. It was a small-ish turn out after all but a ton of fun. Lot's of scream-at-the-screen moments and a nice wad of cash for charity! A big thanks to everyone who was in attendance and I hope no one was unable to get in because we were all busy during the tournament! If so, I'm soooo sorry! I'm going to make sure there's someone at the door from 7 to 9 next friday for the board game event. So, big thanks to the attendees and a huge thanks to Breakfall, Flathead Studios and my buddy from Northernbytes for providing download codes for the prize packs. And a big thanks to a certain someone for generously picking up some gift cards to sweeten the top prize even more!

Oct 17, 2013

Charity Video Games Event Reminder

A reminder that THIS FRIDAY I am hosting a fund raising event. It's $10 all for a good cause. If you bring a game you've made or are working on to play along with the hardware to play it you can get it for $5!! Raffle tournament and prizes to be had!