
May 29, 2012

A Good Time Was Had at the Ottawa Game Conference

I just got back from the first annual Ottawa Game Conference and I couldn't be happier.

May 27, 2012

Joyride Turbo With My Lady

I just played about a dozen races in Microsoft's Joyride Turbo with my wife and, you know what? We had a great time!

Joyride Turbo is a follow up of sorts to the Joyride title that launched with the Kinect. Anyone who followed the development of the game, however, knows that Turbo is how the game was originally meant to be played, with a controller.

I can't really give this game a ringing endorsement yet as I'm still on the fence whether or not to pick up the full version (we were playing the trial) but what I did play was a ton of fun.

The game looks nice, controls great and has fun weapons, a pleasant surprise all 'round. Oh, and being able to crash through the scenery is pretty darn satisfying.

If you've got an XBox 360 and you're looking for a fun Arcade title to try out, totally download Joyride Turbo and give it a spin.